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Why is the penetration rate of water purifiers in China so low? What is the cause?

Source:This site    Release time:2018/11/4 16:34:44

With the improvement of people's living standards and the awareness of health and environmental protection, especially the importance of water resources security, the water purifier industry is attracting more and more attention. The water purifier industry is also favored by many investors. China's water purifier industry has also developed rapidly.

However, water purifiers have entered the domestic market for more than 20 years, and the overall urban share is less than 10%. So, what factors are causing such a phenomenon? Take a look at the survey summary report:

First, consumers do not understand

As a person engaged in the water purification market, people who collect information about water pollution and who are concerned about water pollution are always aware that water pollution is very serious and water purification equipment is needed. However, many people who are not in this circle do not know that water pollution has affected themselves.

According to a questionnaire survey, one of the questions is whether to know if our tap water is polluted and affects our health. As a result, 90% of young people, 70% of middle-aged people, 50% of civil servants, 40% of relatives Successful people do not know what to answer.

This shows that there are two circles in the water purification market. One is that we are engaged in the water purification market. The understanding of tap water pollution is relatively clear. One is the other circle dominated by the above-mentioned people. Most of them do not know the pollution of tap water.

Second, drinking habits

Habit 1: Most people maintain trust in tap water and think that tap water is now the same as it was 30 years ago, although it is not.

Habit 2: Most people still boil water to drink as the best guarantee of health, although the heavy metal and organic pollution inside can not be solved by boiling.

Habits are stubborn and can't be solved in a while, unless there are many major diseases related to water pollution in a certain period of time in the future.

Third, the concept of consumption

People who value health very much will inevitably pay attention to the harm of water pollution to the human body. These people are the main force in the current market consumption of water purification equipment, accounting for about 5% of the population.

Most people don't pay much attention to this matter. The core factor is that in addition to the above two reasons, actually drinking the current tap water will not cause any disease tomorrow, the next day, or next year. This hidden and lagging effect is not. Their daily thinking is considered. The lack of attention to health has led them to temporarily not consider buying water purification equipment.

Fourth, consumers are troublesome

Trouble 1: There are too many products in the market, and there are many fake and shoddy products. They are all self-selling and hard to choose.

Trouble 2: Installation requires certain conditions, and professionals are required to sell for a long time. They often have troubles. When they think about this, they push it backwards.

Trouble 3: Poor performance, faults, accidents, no one is in charge. At the end of the last century, there were many water purifier manufacturers and merchants selling equipment. These problems have arisen and a group of people have been hanged. I am afraid of trouble caused by mistrust.

V. Professionalism is not enough

The unprofessionals of the employees are not professionally and systematically trained. Most of them are sales discourses provided by the manufacturers. All the rhetoric is carried out around their own products, which leads to some unclear and some in the sales process. Exaggerated, consumers feel unobjective, feel that it is hard to believe what you said, and finally, simply do not buy.